Looking for accommodation or a venue for a business meeting, conference or team building event? Contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.
Za vse pohodnike ter ljubitelje prelepih razgledov na Kozjansko je Županov breg prava izbira. Pot iz Kozjanskega dvora nadaljujemo skozi trg Kozje mimo župnijske cerkve sv. Marije in nato hitro zagrizemo v strmino, ki nas popelje proti vrhu. Na poti srečamo čredo ovc in na levi strani že poglejujemo proti okoliškim hribom. Na vrhu nas […]
READ MOREV duhu pričakovanih praznikov smo se odločili, da letos prvič organiziramo veseli december v dolini srednjeveških trgov. Začnemo že naslednjo soboto, in sicer 3.12.2022 na trgu Kozje, Zaključek bo 28.12.2022 na Gradu Podsreda z ansamblom Jug 17.12.2022 na srednjeveškem trgu Kozje plešemo na božičnem koncertu IL DIVJI, 23.12.2022 bo sejem na srednjeveškem trgu Pilštanj s […]
READ MOREKozjanski park je zavarovano območje, veliko 206 km², s statusom regijskega parka. Zavarovano območje je na severu omejeno z Rudnico, na vzhodu s Sotlo, na jugu preko Orlice prehaja v Bizeljsko in Senovsko gričevje, na zahodu pa meja poteka preko hribov Vetrnika in Oslice. Značilna je prehodnost iz predalpskih hribovitih in pretežno z gozdovi poraščenih […]
READ MOREKozje is situated in the heart of the Kozjansko Regional Park, which is part of the Natura 2000 network and has MAB (Man and Biosphere) UNESCO status. The park boasts a wealth of natural sights and has outstanding biodiversity. Many cultural heritage monuments have also been preserved, such as Podsreda Castle, two pillories in the […]
READ MOREWe offer organised tours of Kozjansko for schools and universities, people looking for holiday activities, day visitors and other groups. Together with the Kozjansko Regional Park we offer a number of customised packages that are sure to meet your interests. We also work with local tourism societies to put together personalised tours.
READ MOREThere are a number of hiking trails in and around the Kozjansko Valley. The closest locations include Vetrnik, Bohor and Županov breg. On your way to Bohor, don’t forget to stop at the Bohor waterfalls, the perfect place for refreshment in the summer.
READ MOREAt the farm, you can learn about the grain-milling process, from start to finish. The mill has a long history, dating back several centuries. It is one of the few remaining watermills in Slovenia. You can also sample and buy their products for use in your own culinary creations. During the tour, you will try […]
READ MOREAt the Sinkovič Farm, you can learn about home-made dairy products. The farm makes several types of cheese, yoghurt and other 100% Slovenian products. The owner will personally show you how and where everything is made. The delicious dairy products are also available to buy
READ MORETours are conducted by Dr. Peter Kozmus, a bee-keeping expert from the Slovenian Bee-keepers’ Association. He is also the Vice-President of Apimondia, the International Federation of Bee-keepers’ Associations, and the Head of the World Bee Day (20 May) project. Dr. Kozmus will show you the bee house and talk about the role of bee-keepers, the […]
READ MOREThe Mramor Winery is situated in an idyllic location with views of its beautiful vineyard and the neighbouring hills. The owner will present his wines on the terrace with magnificent views of Županov breg and Vrenska gorca. The award-winning blaufränkisch, yellow muscat, silvaner, chardonnay and other wines are sure to tickle your taste buds. Tastings […]
READ MOREVisit this farm in Zdole to enjoy home cooking and home-made wine in a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere. The wine is available for tastings and purchase. There is also a large room for private events.
READ MORELooking for accommodation or a venue for a business meeting, conference or team building event? Contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.
Mon. | 8.00 – 21.00 |
Tue. | 8.00 – 21.00 |
Wed. | 8.00 – 21.00 |
Thu. | 8.00 – 21.00 |
Fri. | 8.00 – 21.00 |
Sat. | 8.00 – 21.00 |
Sun. | 8.00 – 20.00 |
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choose your favourite package to fully enjoy region of Kozjansko.
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